Pronunciation of the chief names of persons and places

The pronunciation given is the system used in The International Phonetic Alphabet.

Abraham Gray /"eIbrGhQm "grei/

Allardyce /"QlGdais/

Barbecue /"bA:bIkju:/

Benbow /ben"bou/

Bristol /"brIstHl/

Caraccas /"kQrG"kQs/

Darby McGraw /"dA:bi "mGgrC:/

Dirk /dG:k/

Haulbowline Head /hC:l"boulin "hed/

Hawke /hC:k/

Hawkins /"hC:kInz/

Hispaniola /'hIspQn"jRlG/

Israel Hands /"IzreIGl "hQndz/

Job Anderson /"dPRb "QndGsHn/

Joyce /dPCIs/

"Lillibullero" /"lilibG"leGrou/

Livesey /"lIvsi/

Madagascar /'mQdG"gaskG/

Malabar /"malGbA:/

Mizzenmast (Hill) /"mIzHnmA:st/

Morgan /"mC:gHn/

O'Brien /R"brJIGn/

Porto Bello /"pC:tR "belR/

Redruth /red"ru:T/

Savannah /sG"vQnG/

Smollett /"smClIt/

Stevenson /"sti:vHnsHn/

The Stockade /stC"keId/

Surinam /'sUrI"nQm/

Trelawney /tre"lC:ni/